Current Projects

I have mostly completed the apothecary, only needing to give him a thin green wash of noxiousness and base him with some flock. Speaking of basing... you might well be wondering what the hell is up with the bases on those Skaven... I started painting them several years ago and there were some problems with my painting skills and I am now having to try and keep the theme whilst making the newer minis nicer. One of the sacrifices that I've had to make in the name of continuity is the horrible basing (and also the silly skin tones).
I have also made some progress on Thrud the Barbarian. I am loving painting this model, it is a really good model to really get practice in painting flesh, there is just so much of it, and the sculpt really shows off the shading aspect. The fact that it is so much bigger than a standard 28mm mini or even a 32mm heroic standing at some 54mm high, makes it a lot easier to paint as the details are effectively twice the size. The axe is a really nice sculpt as the metal blade has been sculpted as slightly scuffed, really helping it to feel real and making it very easy to paint up to a high standard.
As for the zombies, well as you can see from the images below I have made a little progress, but nothing much. Suzi is now done although I still have to varnish her and the other 3 completed zombies.
As for the ZiPs (that's Zombies in Progress), they are coming along
very nicely, it is just that I have suddenly decided to focus on the Skaven... it was all the fault of the Apothecary back-pack (you can see it at his feet in the image above)... I really enjoy painting metal... sad isn't it?... and I also wanted to test using a basecoat of brown for copper/brass as in my opinion GW
- Raggy, signing out
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