SWAT all Painted

On to the Painting:
This has to be one of the fastest paint jobs I have ever done.
A solid black primer, done more

In order to do the bases, I simply used thick white and yellow paint (from the Vallejo Game Colour range) to make road markings (I used UK road markings because despite being SWAT I am most likely to use them in a UK setting as Armed Police), this gave the miniatures a bit of character and also served to hide the slotta sections. I then neatened up the lines with some black (for these miniatures I switched between VGC Negro Black and GW Chaos Black and they seem to match very well).
Next stop was to go online and double check the colour scheme both in photos and from the great Neil Shuck's site http://www.meeplesandminiatures.co.uk where he has a painting guide of his own for SWAT (and other modern troops). UK Armed

For the skin tones I wanted to have a mix of races and for the first time I attempted to do a slightly Asian look on my afforementioned favorite West Wind model. The caucasian models had my standard colour scheme of GWF Tallarn Flesh, GWW Ogryn Flesh and Highlights of GW Elf Flesh.
The Black troops are GW Dark Flesh over GWF Calthan Brown with a GW Chestnut Ink as a was and no highlights.
The Asian trooper didn't work out as well as I'd hoped, I used GWF Khemri Brown, GW Chestnut Ink, Bronzed Flesh highlights and then a final wash of GWW Ogryn Flesh.
There are very few details that needed doing as SWAT equipement is almost entirely black so I only did a quick coat of GW Bestial Brown for the shotgun grips. The Night Vision goggles have GW Scorpion Green lenses and all other eye pieces including the goggles, gas mask eyes and sunglasses are GW Regal Blue with GW Enchanted Blue and GW Skull White for the light glint.
The eyes are just GW Skull White with GW Chaos Black dots, for the first time I used a magnifying lens to do these and it really helps see the detail although depth perception through a magnifying lense is really hard to guage.
Highlighting was the last stage, for the black I used GW Fortress Grey and GW Enchanted Blue for the tunics.
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