One last try, before I fly

So I am about to head back to the UK for a few weeks to say hi to the parental units, catch up with friends and work really antisocial hours to keep in touch with the US. This hard deadline had held me back from taking on any major projects (like painting my next Blood Bowl team!) but it has pushed me to give painting up some rank and file miniatures a go. Looking back, it really is pretty remarkable to me what I have managed to get done in a week. Well it was a bit of a mad rush to get these all painted up but in very slightly over a week I have managed to go from primed to fully painted for: 15 Ashigaru Yari 12 Giant Rats 11 Giant Bats 10 Giant Spiders There is no doubt that this is a record productive week: Now there are is a bit of a disclaimer here. Firstly the Ashigaru were already primed Green, taking out a lot of the work, secondly my test model was mostly painted already so really it is only 14 Ashigaru and finally they may not be fully finished! I a...