I'm not gonna lie, this is a bit of a fluffy post. I am a little addicted to spreadsheets, I have one for mapping my game plays, I have one for my Arkham Miniatures to track their progress and the Arkham Files games they can be used in... in short... I have an addiction. One of the spreadsheets I have is to track my sprawling Blood Bowl collection as I attempt to collect at least one fully complete team for every race. As of writing this I have... none... well that's a little harsh. I have 5 that are player complete. Mostly I am missing the wizards (some are also missing Coaches/Apothecaries). I have another 4 that basically just need painting... and then I have 6 on pre-order... or rather I have 5 that need painting and 5 on preorder because... ta da: These beauties are Greebo Games' Ninja Goblins (Waag Saabi) and is a full team complete with 2 trolls, 4 secret weapons, a coach, a bunch of pet dragons and a bonus Sarcos leviathan it looks as though they threw in. Of c...