Frosty the unwanted varnish snowman...

I'm sure it's happened to others of you reading this blog... that moment when Frosty comes and sh*ts all over your painstakingly painted model. In this blog I am looking into how to try and undo the damage without completely stripping and repainting the model. This whole endeavor came about because I was rushing too much. I had backed a fantasy football team to use for Blood Bowl and the football that came as a stretch goal I offered to a friend. I needed a break from my Pro Elf Spartans so decided to knock the mini out in an evening. It was all going swimmingly until I stepped out onto the porch to varnish the figure... of course it's tipping it down and the result was a ruined paint job: Sooo what can I do to fix this? The first resource I found seemed to promote the use of a hairdryer... I tried this but was scared of damaging the paint with an overly high temperature and was unable to see any noticeable improvement. Well this article seemed to suggest that...