Getting your first paints - Part 4

A specific request from sonofsonofspock lead to me covering primers in part 3, this got a little longer than I had anticipated and so I pushed the discussion of brushes into a part 4. I am far from expert in paint brushes and constantly struggle with getting the most life out of the ones I have. For folks looking to explore a range of options, I'd offer this as a launch point and would love to hear feedback on options beyond this. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Brushes So brushes... they're kind of a big deal (I'd insert a meme here but I'm too lazy... just imagine an anchorman shaped paint brush). These are what control the application of your paint most of the time, non-brush applicators I have tried include airbrush, spray cans, sponges, toothbrushes, pouring, tissue, fingers and dipping. Some of these are better options than others... and they all have specific use cases. Digression aside, you are going to get very familiar with brushes in this hobby and ...