The Great Burger Experiment... Part 2

Carrying on with our experimentation... Today we looked into a couple of ingredient factors of the patty. Day 2 - Burger meat Recipe (per burger): 60g 12% fat Beef 30g 20% fat Pork 1/2 Egg 1g Pepper 1g Salt 40g finely chopped Onion 20g finely chopped Onion + 20g finely chopped Chestnut Mushrooms 20g finely chopped Onion + 20g finely chopped Chestnut Mushrooms + 0.5g each of cumin powder, chilli powder, coriander powder + 1/2 clove garlic Preparation: Egg whisked Beef & other ingredients mixed into Egg Thoroughly mixed all ingredients together to form an even mixture Mixture split into patties of 120g each (roughly 1/4lb), 1cm thick Results: The mince mix came out better this time with the thinner patties helping a lot. It was good to see that they help together - something I was very worried about initially. The breadcrumbs were excluded but I don't think we need the egg either. The onions really added a lot of moisture to the burgers and the...