Forming a pact with a bunch of Chaos Renegades? It must be Blood Bowl!

I've been grinding through my Space Hulk minis at a steady pace. I now have 5 of the 11 termies ready for some final airbrushing... and an airbrush that should work... So clearly now is the perfect time to totally change the focus of my efforts to Blood Bowl! (Yes more Blood Bowl). What's triggered this sudden return to Blood Bowl? Another tournament of course! Block of Holding down in Bournemouth on November 19th is a NAF sanctioned Blood Bowl tournament that I figured I'd sign up for to get back into the Blood Bowl groove. My choice of team was a little restricted as most of my models are in a shipping container and I have no idea when they might arrive. Fortunately the RN Estudio's Chaos Pact minis arrived to the UK recently and so they are getting a quick painting to be ready for the tournament. The Vanir Volcanoes will be (I hope) ready to take the field come November 19th. I have to say I was a little disappointed with these minis. RN Estudio is ...