Airbrushing 102 - CK Studios (picture heavy)

A little over a year ago, I painted up a Contemptor Dreadnought under the instruction of Kat Jackson and Caleb Wissenback of CK Studios . Prior to this, I had only done very basic things with an airbrush... which generally resulted in damaging the airbrush. That weekend my painting game stepped up more than any other single change. I have primed and basecoated virtually every miniature I have touched since then and there have been a lot of them. From Space Hulk Terminators to Discworld minis, I've been able to churn through a huge number of figures in a record time. Well that was the 101 class and Kat and Caleb have since developed a 102 class that takes painting to the next level and I've just been able to attend the class as they did a tour of the UK. I'm not going to go into a huge amount of detail on the stages of the class. If you want that - I heartily recommend taking the class yourself. Hopefully there is still enough here to give you a good sense of w...