2018 Year in Review

Warning: I'm a numbers guy... there's a lot of that in this post! Well, I posted a few months ago that I had already completed my resolution to paint 365 minis in 2018. At that time I set myself a stretch goal of 500 minis!!! Soooo how did I do on that one? Well... I didn't paint 500 minis from scratch in the year, but I completed 511 minis in 2018 and another 45 smaller pieces. A really healthy total I think. I feel like this year has taken me a long way toward getting back on top of that lead mountain. There is still a lot to do but I honestly think that I could be realistically on top of things by the end of 2019 if I continue with the same mindset. Carry over: (22 + 11 small) Space Hulk: 6xTerminators Mansions of Madness: 2xShoggoths, 2xCthonians, 1xDark Young, 1xDunwich Horror Blood Bowl: Wood Elf & Chaos Apothecaries, Ball Marker Warhammer Underworlds: Reaver 5xSpiteclaw Lady Morrigan Wander: Tank Misc: 10xBarrels Comple...