The Privateers of Barak Baratar

Barak Baratar in the Realm of Ghur was one of the first ports to be established outside of Chamon, formed by fragmentists and radicals looking to break away from those that wished the code to be too tightly enforced, they embraced the nature of the realm with a wilder way of being. They have long held close trading links to Barak Mhornar to offload their 'acquired' goods as a place they found a warmer welcome than most other Sky Ports. Since Garaktormun (the Necroquake), Baratar's leadership has shifted the focus of the clan. They were badly hit, loosing fully half their fleet and severely damaging almost all the rest. Clan leaders met to discuss this calamity. After many days of debate, argument and a couple of incidents of outright fisticuffs - a new course was set. It was clear that Garaktormun was a sign that Barak Baratar (and by implication, if not outright declaration, the other Sky Ports) had become decadent, complacent with their riches... it was time for the Khar...