It's a Pirate Dwarf for me

And so I truly begins! February 2021 - Month 1 of A Tale of Five Painters is upon us! Each month, we painters have a target to build up and paint. You can find details of our first month's objectives here: Essentially we are looking to get a unit and a hero (non-general) fully painted this month... can do! The first thing was to get the models. Out here in California we've been having some trouble getting some models as GW wrestles with Britain's desperate attempt to economically shoot itself in the face... so I did the only reasonable thing and panic bought everything! This is in fact more than I intended to paint up for the challenge directly but is certainly a solid starting point. As always a huge shout out to who were able to get me everything I needed in time to participate in the challenge. My original roster ran with an Aetheric Navigator, however I had an Aether Khemist ready to go sooo this chappie...